The London Olympics may have passed, but China is still buzzing with Olympic and fitness fervor. From the outstanding Chinese synchronized divers, to the record-breaking performance of Ye Shiwen (叶诗文), the Chinese team really showed its stuff in the ... Read More>>
Trying to find those "back at home" acquaintances while living overseas is a chore that all expats eventually embark on (unless your one of those who finds happiness in solitude). It’s a simple fact that people need to occasionally bond with ... Read More>>
Spending time with the family is always important, especially when living in a foreign place like Wuhan. While living in a booming metropolis, with its ever-expanding sprawl of concrete and steel, massive crowds and loud noise may seem a bit frightening and ... Read More>>
No trip to any country is complete without stepping inside a museum. Visiting one is always a great adventure. You’ve got the crowds, the kids with their face pressed against the glass, the relics, and of course the self-discovery. To imagine, within each ... Read More>>