Japanese Guitarist Gin in Shenzhen Mar 16

Japanese Guitarist Gin in Shenzhen Mar 16
Mar 07, 2013 By eChinacities.com

Japanese fingerstyle guitarist Gin is set to play a gig at Idutang in the OCT-LOFT area of Shenzhen on March 16. Seen as the future of fingerstyle guitar playing in Asia, Gin’s sick sliding and finger picking skills evoke various moods and feelings that few other guitarists are capable of. Asia’s “Godfather of Strumming” Isato Nakagawa has dubbed him as his successor.

When: Mar 16, 15:30-17:30
Where: Idutang, Building F3, OCT-LOFT Creative Culture Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 
Price: 100 RMB, 180 RMB (VIP)
Tickets: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w810531518.1.X8RVmG&id=17271601766
Getting there: take subway to Window of the World Station (世界之窗站)

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Keywords: Asian Fingerstyle GIN Shenzhen


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