Doing safe business in China

Doing safe business in China
Dec 01, 2010 By

The European Union Chamber of Commece in China is delightly to invite Christoph Hezel, Stuart Lindley and Peter Humphrey togeter to share with you on how to do safe business in China.
Everyone have all read about numerous cases of fraud in China, and, indeed, some of you may already have experienced it.  Fraud, of course, is not exclusive to China, but some aspects of business life here, principally the language, do make it more difficult, particularly for the newcomer, to ensure that their business is “safe”. Christoph Hezel, Stuart Lindley and Peter Humphrey will be exploring: 

  • How, by using advisers with the right skills, can buy a business in China, invest in a joint venture, or carry out your normal business activities, with no more than normal levels of risk.
  • How to detect fraud, or, preferably, avoid it and so allow you to sleep easier at night.


The Agenda:
16:00-16:30 Registration
16:30-17:45 Presentations
17:45-18:15 Q&A
18:15-19:30 Networking with Drinks  

To register for this event please register online by 18:00 Wednesday,8th December. For enquiries or registration, please contact us at

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