Sun Feifei Photo Shoot Reveals a Chinese Audrey Hepburn

Sun Feifei Photo Shoot Reveals a Chinese Audrey Hepburn
Apr 24, 2010 By

Sun Feifei 孙菲菲, a Chinese actress that is said to possess traditional elements of what is considered beautiful for a Chinese woman

Sun Feifei

“Traditional” beauty and actress Sun Feifei has recently had her pictures taken for a series of promotional shoots. In the pictures, Sun has done away with her usual traditional glamour and clamor and opted for a more westernized sensual and classy appeal. She could be seen pictured above with a hairstyle and makeup that is reminiscent of the late fashion and style icon Audrey Hepburn; ruddy red lips complemented perfectly with the black nail polish, giving Sun Feifei a more mature and daringly sensual appeal than her usual image on television – where she is much more reserved and traditional.

Two of the television series Sun has starred in, a crime show entitled “Informant” and a historical fiction drama set during the Han Dynasty “Schemes of a Beauty”, have received praise and have
continually secured high viewer ratings since being broadcast.

Sun Feifei

Sun Feifei

Sun Feifei



Related links:

Western Beauty, Eastern Faces: Beauty Development in China
New Golden Ratio for Female Beauty
Beauty Contests Around the World

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