Making Money

Making Money
Mar 11, 2009 By

Making money is hard. And especially so in this economy. But even during these tough times, smart investors are still making money. How? Well, over the years, it's been proven that there are ways to build your wealth regardless of how "everyone else's" stocks are doing. Sure, many have lost in this downturn, but that doesn’t have to be you!

Options are perhaps the best example of an instrument that can create wealth in any economy. By learning how to use puts and calls, you can use whatever market direction in your favour and even collect "rental" income from your existing portfolio. You'll be able to make money whether the market goes up or down, and you can assure yourself steady profits while taking on minimal risk.

Sound like a good deal? Come down March 14 and hear what Valerie Law has to say—she's the practicing Chartered Financial Analyst and chief contributor for whose portfolio outperformed the market by 47% between last October and December.

Who Should Attend?
Anyone who wants the privileges of the superior instruments offered to high net worth individuals—without needing access to their huge bank accounts. Once you discover what types of returns you want, you'll soon be able to start using options to build your own wealth!

What you'll get out of this interactive 2-hour session:
Understand your unique risk appetite and the best wealth-creation vehicle for you
Realize why most people lose money in the stock market
Discover whether Warren-Buffet style investing is for me
Learn the practical financial skills that will help you beat this economic downturn
Find out why options will allow you to make money whether the market turns upwards, downwards or sideways.

Date and Time: 14 March 2009, Saturday, 1pm to 3pm
Location:M1nt, Level 24 318 Fuzhou Road, Huang Pu

Price:RMB150 for friend of REV
         RMB200 for pre-registered guests
         RMB250 at the door

To Register: Call Chen Qing at 6267 2782 or email
For more information, visit


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