Buffet Dinner & Career Development Networking Evening

Buffet Dinner & Career Development Networking Evening
Nov 03, 2010 By eChinacities.com

Buffet Dinner from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Networking from 8:30pm to 10:30pm

Venue: Zpark Bar, Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park
Address: 25Floor No. 1018 Changning Road near Huichuan Road
Address in Chinese:
Venue Tel: 6115-8888
When: Nov. 11, 2010 Thu. from 6:30pm to 10:30pm
Metro Zhongshan Park (Line 3, 4 and Line 2)

Easy on-line registration: http://www.fcclub.com/events/nov112010buffetdinner/  (if you have an account please login first and then just click the RSVP button. Not a member yet? Click here to join)
or simply e-mail event@fcclub.com with the following information for each person.

Event Name + Date: Dinner Nov. 11
Name + Surname:
Work Title:
Mobile phone:

Professionals from all industries, business managers, business owners, expatriates, human resource personnel, headhunters are all welcome.

More information: http://www.fcclub.com/events/nov112010buffetdinner/

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